National Head & Neck Oncology Meeting
Dr Katie Wakeham
Dr Wakeham is a NHS Clinical Oncology Consultant working at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. She has co-authored the 10-year World-class vision on radiotherapy for Radiotherapy UK, which was delivered in response to a request from the All Party Parliamentary Group for Radiotherapy and launched at the House of Commons in February 2024, https://radiotherapy.org.uk/radiotherapy-vision/ .
Dr Wakeham co-chaires London Global Cancer Week, an event that provides a network to form alliances to educate, exchange experience, advocate, and influence cancer control policy in the UK and internationally, https://www.lgcw.org.uk/lgcw-2023/. She also supports the work of the Global Coalition for Radiotherapy to ensure integration of radiotherapy into cancer plans https://www.globalradiotherapy.org .
Earlier in her career, she worked in Uganda in several varied posts. In 2004 and 2005 she worked as a clinician both in a government hospital and with Hospice Africa Uganda, a NGO delivering palliative care in the community. From 2007 to 2013 she was based at the MRC Uganda Unit on AIDS Research, first as a trials co-ordinator and subsequently as a Wellcome Trust PhD Fellow.
Her doctorate investigated cancers and oncogenic infection. Between 2021 and 2023, she was the Section Head of Radiotherapy at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), developing projects to improve access to quality radiotherapy in low- and middle-income settings. She is currently part of a project that supports the Radiotherapy facility in Uganda